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Tag Archives: linguistic

Smooth talkers: The linguistic performance of auctioneers and sportscasters

Kuiper, K. (1995). Smooth talkers: The linguistic performance of auctioneers and sportscasters. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [FULLTEXT]

Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis

Lucy, J. (1992). Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [FULLTEXT]

Speech errors as linguistic evidence

Fromkin, V. (Ed.). (1973). Speech errors as linguistic evidence. The Hague: Mouton. [FULLTEXT]

The linguistic evidence of speech errors

Fry, D. (1969). The linguistic evidence of speech errors. BRNO Studies of English, 8, 69-74. [FULLTEXT]

Linguistic determinism and the part of speech

Brown, R. W. (1957). Linguistic determinism and the part of speech. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55(1), 1-5. doi:10.1037/h0041199. [FULLTEXT]

Co-occurrence and transformation in linguistic structure

Harris, Z. (1957). Co-occurrence and transformation in linguistic structure. Language, 33, 283-340. [FULLTEXT]

The logical structure of linguistic theory

Chomsky, N. (1955). The logical structure of linguistic theory. Cambridge, MA: Mimeo MIT. [FULLTEXT]

On the combination of associative probabilities in linguistic contexts

Howes, D., & Osgood, C. E. (1954). On the combination of associative probabilities in linguistic contexts. American Journal of Psychology, 67, 241-258. [FULLTEXT]

An experimental comparison of two forms of linguistic learning

Briones, I. T. (1937). An experimental comparison of two forms of linguistic learning. Psychological Record, 1, 205-214. [FULLTEXT]

The physiological basis of linguistic development and of the ontogeny of meaning

Latif, I. (1934). The physiological basis of linguistic development and of the ontogeny of meaning. Psychological Review, 41, 55-85, 153-176, 246-264. doi:10.1037/h0070470. [FULLTEXT] [FULLTEXT] [FULLTEXT]

The relation between linguistic structure and associative interference in artificial linguistic material

Wolfle, D. L. (1932). The relation between linguistic structure and associative interference in artificial linguistic material. Language, 8, 5-55. doi:10.2307/522170. [FULLTEXT]

Group intelligence tests and linguistic disability among Italian children

Mead, M. (1927). Group intelligence tests and linguistic disability among Italian children. School and Society, 25, 465-468. [FULLTEXT]

Linguistic development and education

O’Shea, M. V. (1907). Linguistic development and education. New York: Macmillan. [FULLTEXT]

Linguistic lapses: With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds

Wells, F. L. (1906). Linguistic lapses: With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds. New York: The Science Press. [FULLTEXT]

Lectures on language and linguistic method in school delivered in the University of Cambridge Easter Term 1889

Laurie, S. S. (1890). Lectures on language and linguistic method in school delivered in the University of Cambridge Easter Term 1889. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [FULLTEXT]

A contribution to infantile linguistic

Humphreys, M. (1880). A contribution to infantile linguistic. Transactions of the American Philosophical Association, 11, 2-17. [FULLTEXT]