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Tag Archives: experimental psycholinguistics

The age of precision: F. C. Donders and the measurement of mind

Draaisma, D. (2002). The age of precision: F. C. Donders and the measurement of mind. Nijmegen: F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging. [FULLTEXT]

The CELEX Lexical Database (CD-ROM)

Baayen, R. H., Piepenbrock, R., & Gulikers, L. (1996). The CELEX Lexical Database (CD-ROM). Linguistic Data Consortium.

Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice

Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books. [FULLTEXT]

Levels of processing in sentence production

Garrett, M. (1980). Levels of processing in sentence production. In B. Butterworth (Ed.), Language Production Vol. 1: Speech and Talk (pp. 177-220). London: Academic Press. [FULLTEXT]

Errors of speech and their implications for understanding the strategy of language users

Cohen, A. (1966). Errors of speech and their implications for understanding the strategy of language users. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, 21, 177-181. [FULLTEXT]

Trends in content analysis

De Sola Pool, I. (Ed.). (1959). Trends in content analysis. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. [FULLTEXT]

Vexierversuch: The log relationship between word-frequency and recognition obtained in the absence of stimulus words

Goldiamond, I., & Hawkins, W. F. (1958). Vexierversuch: The log relationship between word-frequency and recognition obtained in the absence of stimulus words. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56(6), 457-463. doi:10.1037/h0043051. [FULLTEXT]

Why Johnny can’t read: And what you can do about it

Flesch, R. (1955). Why Johnny can’t read: And what you can do about it. New York: Harper & Brothers. [FULLTEXT]

An experimental study of the acoustic determinants of vowel color; observations on one- and two-formant vowels synthesized from spectrographic patterns

Delattre, P., Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., & Gerstman, L. J. (1952). An experimental study of the acoustic determinants of vowel color; observations on one- and two-formant vowels synthesized from spectrographic patterns. Word, 8(3), 195-210. doi:10.1080/00437956.1952.11659431. [FULLTEXT]

English word lists

Fries, C. C., & Traver, A. A. (1950). English word lists. Ann Arbor, MI: George Wahr Publishing Co. [FULLTEXT]

The speaking machine of Wolfgang von Kempelen

Dudley, H., & Tarnoczy, T. H. (1950). The speaking machine of Wolfgang von Kempelen. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 22, 151-166. doi:10.1121/1.1906583. [FULLTEXT]

Articulation testing methods

Egan, J. P. (1948). Articulation testing methods. Laryngoscope, 58(9), 955-991. doi:10.1288/00005537-194809000-00002. [FULLTEXT]

The art of plain talk

Flesch, R. (1946). The art of plain talk. New York: Harper & Brothers. [FULLTEXT]

A statistical and comparative analysis of individual written language samples

Chotlos, J. W. (1944). A statistical and comparative analysis of individual written language samples. Psychological Monographs, 56, 77-111. doi:10.1037/h0093511. [FULLTEXT]

The quantitative differentiation of samples of spoken language

Helen, F. (1944). The quantitative differentiation of samples of spoken language. Studies in language behavior: Psychological Monographs, 56(2), 19-38. doi:10.1037/h0093509. [FULLTEXT]

The verbal summator technique and verbal mental states

Grings, W. W. (1942). The verbal summator technique and verbal mental states. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 37(4), 529-545. doi:10.1037/h0054337. [FULLTEXT]

The psychology of speech

Eisenson, J. (1938). The psychology of speech. New York: Crofts. [FULLTEXT]

An experimental study of naming

Fox, C. W. (1935). An experimental study of naming. American Journal of Psychology, 47(4), 545-579. [FULLTEXT]

The role of verbal activities in the conditioning of human subjects

Cason, H. (1934). The role of verbal activities in the conditioning of human subjects. Psychological Review, 41(6), 563-571. doi:10.1037/h0074367. [FULLTEXT]

Studies in linguistic behavior: I. Characteristics of unstable verbal reactions

Esper, E. A. (1933). Studies in linguistic behavior: I. Characteristics of unstable verbal reactions. The Journal of General Psychology, 8(2), 346-381. doi:10.1080/00221309.1933.9713192. [FULLTEXT]

The psychology of language

Adams, S., & Powers, F. F. (1929). The psychology of language. Psychological Bulletin, 26, 241-260. doi:10.1037/h0071853. [FULLTEXT]

Speech and hearing

Fletcher, H. (1929). Speech and hearing. New York: Van Nostrand Company. [FULLTEXT]

Statistics of vocabulary

Condon, E. U. (1928). Statistics of vocabulary. Science, 67(1733), 300. [FULLTEXT]

The rôle of articulation in memorizing

Barlow, M. (1928). The rôle of articulation in memorizing. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11(4), 306-312. doi:10.1037/h0071449. [FULLTEXT]

A technique for the experimental investigation of associative interference in artificial linguistic material

Esper, E. A. (1925). A technique for the experimental investigation of associative interference in artificial linguistic material. Language Monographs No. 1. [FULLTEXT]

Relative frequency of English speech sounds

Dewey, G. (1923). Relative frequency of English speech sounds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [FULLTEXT]

Das tachistoskopische Verlesen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Gefühlen und der Frage des objektiven und subjektiven Typus

Friedrich, G. (1921). Das tachistoskopische Verlesen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Gefühlen und der Frage des objektiven und subjektiven Typus. Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie, 41, 121-200. [FULLTEXT]

A contribution to the experimental study of analogy

Esper, E. A. (1918). A contribution to the experimental study of analogy. Psychological Review, 25, 468-487. [FULLTEXT]

On the psychological response to unknown proper names

Alspach, E. M. (1917). On the psychological response to unknown proper names. American Journal of Psychology, 28, 436-443. doi:10.2307/1413614. [FULLTEXT]

De la réprésentation des personnes inconnus, et des lapsus linguae

Claparède, E. (1914). De la réprésentation des personnes inconnus, et des lapsus linguae. Archives de Psychologie, 14, 301-304. [FULLTEXT]

Gammes sténographiques. Recueil de textes choisis pour l’acquisition méthodique de la vitesse, précédé d’une introduction par J.-B. Estoup

Estoup, J.-B. (1912). Gammes sténographiques. Recueil de textes choisis pour l’acquisition méthodique de la vitesse, précédé d’une introduction par J.-B. Estoup. Paris: Institut Sténographique. [FULLTEXT]

Conscious attitudes

Clarke, H. M. (1911). Conscious attitudes. American Journal of Psychology, 22(2), 214-249. [FULLTEXT]

Six thousand common English words, their comparative frequency and what can be done with them

Eldridge, R. C. (1911). Six thousand common English words, their comparative frequency and what can be done with them. Niagara Falls: Clement Press. [FULLTEXT]

Physiologie der Stimme und Sprache

Gutzmann, H. (1909). Physiologie der Stimme und Sprache. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg. [FULLTEXT]

Über Hören und Verstehen

Gutzmann, H. (1908). Über Hören und Verstehen. Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sammelforschung, 1, 483-503. [FULLTEXT]

Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens

Freud, S. (1907). Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens. Berlin: S. Karger. [FULLTEXT]

Grundzüge der Psychologie

Ebbinghaus, H. (1905). Grundzüge der Psychologie. Leipzig: Veith & Comp. [FULLTEXT]

The angular velocity of eye movements

Dodge, R., & Cline, T. S. (1901). The angular velocity of eye movements. Psychological Review, 8, 145-157. [FULLTEXT]

Zur Erläuterung unserer tachistoskopischen Versuche

Erdmann, B., & Dodge, R. (1900). Zur Erläuterung unserer tachistoskopischen Versuche. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 22, 241-267. [FULLTEXT]

Psychologische Untersuchungen über das Lesen: Auf experimenteller Grundlage

Erdmann, B., & Dodge, R. (1898). Psychologische Untersuchungen über das Lesen: Auf experimenteller Grundlage. Halle: Niemeyer. [FULLTEXT]

Die motorischen Wortvorstellungen

Dodge, R. (1896). Die motorischen Wortvorstellungen. Halle: Max Niemeyer. [FULLTEXT]

La dissimilation consonantique dans les langues indo-européennes et dans les langues romanes

Grammont, M. (1895). La dissimilation consonantique dans les langues indo-européennes et dans les langues romanes. Dijon: Darantière. [FULLTEXT]

Entwurf zu einer physiologische Erklärung der psychischen Erscheinungen (Vol. 1)

Exner, S. (1894). Entwurf zu einer physiologische Erklärung der psychischen Erscheinungen (Vol. 1). Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke. [FULLTEXT]

Entwurf zu einer physiologische Erklärung der psychischen Erscheinungen (Vol. 1)

Exner, S. (1894). Entwurf zu einer physiologische Erklärung der psychischen Erscheinungen (Vol. 1). Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke. [FULLTEXT]

Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Lesens

Goldschneider, A., & Müller, R. F. (1893). Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Lesens. Zeitschrift für Klinische Medizin, 26, 131-167. [FULLTEXT]

Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Lesens

Goldschneider, A., & Müller, R. F. (1893). Zur Physiologie und Pathologie des Lesens. Zeitschrift für Klinische Medizin, 26, 131-167. [FULLTEXT]

Mental association investigated by experiment

Cattell, J. M., & Bryant, S. (1889). Mental association investigated by experiment. Mind, 14(54), 230-250. [FULLTEXT]

Mental association investigated by experiment

Cattell, J. M., & Bryant, S. (1889). Mental association investigated by experiment. Mind, 14(54), 230-250. [FULLTEXT]

Mental association investigated by experiment

Cattell, J. M., & Bryant, S. (1889). Mental association investigated by experiment. Mind, 14(54), 230-250. [FULLTEXT]

The time taken up by cerebral operations: Part 4

Cattell, J. M. (1887). The time taken up by cerebral operations: Part 4. Mind, 11, 524-538. [FULLTEXT]