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Tag Archives: Frequency

Frequency of usage and the perception of words

Rosenzweig, M. R., & Postman, L. (1958). Frequency of usage and the perception of words. Science, 127, 263-266. doi:10.1126/science.127.3293.263. [FULLTEXT]

The reinforcing effect of two spoken sounds on the frequency of two responses

Greenspoon, J. (1955). The reinforcing effect of two spoken sounds on the frequency of two responses. American Journal of Psychology, 68(3), 409-416. doi:10.2307/1418524. [FULLTEXT]

On the interpretation of word frequency as a variable affecting speed of recognition

Howes, D. (1954). On the interpretation of word frequency as a variable affecting speed of recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 48, 106-112. [FULLTEXT]

Physiological need, word frequency, and visual duration thresholds

Whispé, L. G., & Drambarean, N. C. (1953). Physiological need, word frequency, and visual duration thresholds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 46, 25-31. doi:10.1037/h0054454. [FULLTEXT]

Frequency of usage as a determinant of recognition thresholds for words

Solomon, R. L., & Postman, L. (1952). Frequency of usage as a determinant of recognition thresholds for words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 43, 195-201. doi:10.1037/h0054636. [FULLTEXT]

Word frequency, personal values, and visual duration thresholds

Solomon, R. L., & Howes, D. H. (1951). Word frequency, personal values, and visual duration thresholds. Psychological Review, 58, 256-270. doi:10.1037/h0058228. [FULLTEXT]

On the number of words of any given frequency of use

Thorndike, E. L. (1937). On the number of words of any given frequency of use. Psychological Record, 1, 399-406. [FULLTEXT]

Selected studies of the principle of relative frequency in language

Zipf, G. K. (1932). Selected studies of the principle of relative frequency in language. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [FULLTEXT]

Relative frequency as a determinant of phonetic change

Zipf, G. K. (1929). Relative frequency as a determinant of phonetic change. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 40, 1-95. doi:10.2307/310585. [FULLTEXT]

Children’s association frequency tables

Woodrow, H., & Lowell, F. (1916). Children’s association frequency tables. Psychological Monographs, 22. doi:10.1037/h0093111. [FULLTEXT]