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Tag Archives: perception

Perception and communication

Broadbent, D. E. (1958). Perception and communication. London: Pergamon Press. [FULLTEXT]

Experiments in the perception of stress

Fry, D. (1958). Experiments in the perception of stress. Language and Speech, 1(2), 126-152. [FULLTEXT]

Frequency of usage and the perception of words

Rosenzweig, M. R., & Postman, L. (1958). Frequency of usage and the perception of words. Science, 127, 263-266. doi:10.1126/science.127.3293.263. [FULLTEXT]

Some results of research on speech perception

Liberman, A. M. (1957). Some results of research on speech perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 29, 117-123. doi:10.1121/1.1908635. [FULLTEXT]

Perception of nonsense passages in relation to amount of information and speech-to-noise ratio

Miller, I. (1957). Perception of nonsense passages in relation to amount of information and speech-to-noise ratio. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 53, 388-393. doi:10.1037/h0040615. [FULLTEXT]

The perception of emotion

Rich, S. (1953). The perception of emotion. Master Thesis, Radcliffe College, Cambridge.

The interconversion of audible and visible patterns as a basis for research in the perception of speech

Cooper, F. S., Liberman, A. M., & Borst, J. M. (1951). The interconversion of audible and visible patterns as a basis for research in the perception of speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 37(5), 318-325. [FULLTEXT]

Razvitie fonematicheskogo vosprijatija rechi v rannem detstve [Development of phonematic speech perception in early childhood]

Shvachkin, N. K. (1948). Razvitie fonematicheskogo vosprijatija rechi v rannem detstve [Development of phonematic speech perception in early childhood]. Izvestija Akademji Pedagogicheckikh Nauk RSFSR, 13, 101-132. [FULLTEXT]

Personal values as selective factors in perception

Postman, L., Bruner, J. S., & McGinnies, E. (1948). Personal values as selective factors in perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 43, 142-154. doi:10.1037/h0059765. [FULLTEXT]

Eye movement, perception, and legibility in reading

Tinker, M. A. (1936). Eye movement, perception, and legibility in reading. Psychological Bulletin, 33, 275-290. doi:10.1037/h0059661. [FULLTEXT]

An experimental study of speech perception

Howells, T. H., & Schoolland, J. B. (1934). An experimental study of speech perception. Journal of General Psychology, 11, 337-347. [FULLTEXT]

Linguistic lapses: With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds

Wells, F. L. (1906). Linguistic lapses: With especial reference to the perception of linguistic sounds. New York: The Science Press. [FULLTEXT]