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Tag Archives: Language

Language and psycholinguistics: A review

Pronko, N. H. (1946). Language and psycholinguistics: A review. Psychological Bulletin, 43, 189-239. doi:10.1037/h0056729. [FULLTEXT]

The psychology of language

Zipf, G. K. (1946). The psychology of language. In P. L. Harriman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology (pp. 332-341). New York: Philosophical Library. [FULLTEXT]

Studies in language behavior: A program of research

Johnson, W. (Ed.). (1944). Studies in language behavior: A program of research. Psychological Monographs, 56(2), 1-15. [FULLTEXT]

The quantitative differentiation of samples of written language

Bachmann-Mann, M. (1944). The quantitative differentiation of samples of written language. Psychological Monographs, 56(2), 39-74. doi:10.1037/h0093510. [FULLTEXT]

Why does language change?

Spitzer, L. (1943). Why does language change? Modern Language Quarterly, 4, 413-431. doi:10.1215/00267929-4-4-413. [FULLTEXT]

The growth of phonemic and lexical patterns in infant language

Velten, H. V. (1943). The growth of phonemic and lexical patterns in infant language. Language, 19, 281-292. doi:10.2307/409932. [FULLTEXT]

Language and culture

Boas, F. (1942). Language and culture. In W. Leland (Ed.), Studies in the history of culture: the disciplines of the humanities (pp. 178-184). Wisconsin: Banta. [FULLTEXT]

Language and speech hygiene

Johnson, W. (1939). Language and speech hygiene. Chicago: Institute of General Semantics.

Badania psychologiczne nad rozwojem mowy dziecka (od 1,0-2,3 lat) [Psychological study of child language development (from age 1,0 to 2,3)]

Wawrowska, W. (1938). Badania psychologiczne nad rozwojem mowy dziecka (od 1,0-2,3 lat) [Psychological study of child language development (from age 1,0 to 2,3)]. In S. Szuman (Ed.), Prace psychologiczne. Warsaw: Nankowe Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego.

An analytical study of language achievement in preschool children

Williams, H. M. (1937). An analytical study of language achievement in preschool children. Iowa Studies in Child Welfare, 13, 9-18. [FULLTEXT]

Review of the book [G.K. Zipf, The psychobiology of language]

Joos, M. (1936). Review of the book [G.K. Zipf, The psychobiology of language]. Language, 12, 196-210. doi:10.2307/408930. [FULLTEXT]

Language or ideas?

Bloomfield, L. (1936). Language or ideas? Language, 12(2), 89-95. doi:10.2307/408751. [FULLTEXT]

Infant speech: A study of the beginnings of language

Lewis, M. M. (1936). Infant speech: A study of the beginnings of language. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. [FULLTEXT]

Cognition and volition in language

Mulder, H. (1936). Cognition and volition in language. PhD Thesis, Wolters Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Groningen. [FULLTEXT]

The rôle of generalization in language

Wolfle, D. L. (1934). The rôle of generalization in language. British Journal of Psychology, 24, 434-444. [FULLTEXT]

Selected studies of the principle of relative frequency in language

Zipf, G. K. (1932). Selected studies of the principle of relative frequency in language. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [FULLTEXT]

An unusual opportunity to investigate the psychology of language

Bean, C. (1932). An unusual opportunity to investigate the psychology of language. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 40(1), 181-202. doi:10.1080/08856559.1932.10534213. [FULLTEXT]

Language development

McCarthy, D. (1931). Language development. In C. Murchinson (Ed.), A handbook of child psychology (2). Worcester: Clark University Press. [FULLTEXT]

The relative value of vocabulary and sentence practice for language learning

Smith, S., & Powers, F. F. (1930). The relative value of vocabulary and sentence practice for language learning. Journal of Social Psychology, 1, 451-461. doi:10.1080/00224545.1930.9714151. [FULLTEXT]

Language and growth: The relative efficacy of early and deferred vocabulary training, studied by the method of co-twin control

Strayer, L. C. (1930). Language and growth: The relative efficacy of early and deferred vocabulary training, studied by the method of co-twin control. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 8, 209-319. [FULLTEXT]

Review of The psychology of language by Walter B. Pillsbury and Clarence L. Meader

Markey, J. F. (1929). Review of The psychology of language by Walter B. Pillsbury and Clarence L. Meader. American Journal of Sociology, 35, 324-325. [FULLTEXT]

The psychology of language

Pillsbury, W. B., & Meader, C. L. (1928). The psychology of language. New York: Appleton. [FULLTEXT]

The adjective-verb-quotient: A contribution to the psychology of language

Boder, D. P. (1927). The adjective-verb-quotient: A contribution to the psychology of language. Psychological Record, 3, 310-343. [FULLTEXT]

A set of postulates for the science of language

Bloomfield, L. (1926). A set of postulates for the science of language. Language, 2(3), 153-164. doi:10.2307/408741. [FULLTEXT]

Language as a form of human behavior

Sapir, E. (1926). Language as a form of human behavior. English Journal, 16, 421-433. doi:10.2307/803262. [FULLTEXT]

The grammarian and his language

Sapir, E. (1924). The grammarian and his language. American Mercury, 1, 149-155. [FULLTEXT]

Language: Its nature, development and origin

Jespersen, O. (1922). Language: Its nature, development and origin. London: George Allen & Unwin. [FULLTEXT]

An analysis of psychological language data

Kantor, J. R. (1922). An analysis of psychological language data. Psychological Review, 29, 267-309. [FULLTEXT]

Language. An introduction to the study of speech

Sapir, E. (1921). Language. An introduction to the study of speech. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. [FULLTEXT]

Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms?

Watson, J. B. (1920). Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? British Journal of Psychology, 11, 87-104. [FULLTEXT]

Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? (III)

Pear, T. H. (1920). Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? (III). British Journal of Psychology, 11, 71-80. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1920.tb00008.x. [FULLTEXT]

Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms?

Bartlett, F. C., & Smith, E. (1920). Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? British Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 55-62. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1920.tb00006.x. [FULLTEXT]

Psychological aspects of language

Brandenburg, G. C. (1918). Psychological aspects of language. Journal of Educational Psychology, 9(6), 313-332. doi:10.1037/h0072574. [FULLTEXT]

Papers on language development: 1. The first word

Bateman, W. (1917). Papers on language development: 1. The first word. Pedagogical Seminary, 24(3), 391-398. doi:10.1080/08919402.1917.10534749. [FULLTEXT]

The language status of three children at the same ages

Bateman, W. (1916). The language status of three children at the same ages. Pedagogical Seminary, 23(2), 211-240. doi:10.1080/08919402.1916.10534708. [FULLTEXT]

Completion-test language scales

Trabue, M. R. (1916). Completion-test language scales. New York: Teacher’s College, Columbia University. [FULLTEXT]

Experimental phonetics as an aid to the study of language

Barrows, S. T. (1916). Experimental phonetics as an aid to the study of language. Pedagogical Seminary, 23(1), 63-75. doi:10.1080/08919402.1916.10534693. [FULLTEXT]

Significs and language: The articulate form of our expressive and interpretative resources

Welby, V. (1911). Significs and language: The articulate form of our expressive and interpretative resources. London: Macmillan. [FULLTEXT]

An experiment in learning a foreign language

Libby, W. (1910). An experiment in learning a foreign language. Pedagogical Seminary, 17, 81-96. doi:10.1080/08919402.1910.10534786. [FULLTEXT]

The apperception of the spoken sentence: A study in the psychology of language.

Bagley, W. C. (1900). The apperception of the spoken sentence: A study in the psychology of language. American Journal of Psychology, 12, 80-130. [FULLTEXT]

The first five hundred days of a child’s life V: Language

Hall, W. S. (1897). The first five hundred days of a child’s life V: Language. Child Study Monthly, 2, 586-608. [FULLTEXT]

Progress in Language

Jespersen, O. (1894). Progress in Language. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. [FULLTEXT]

The language of childhood

Tracy, F. (1892). The language of childhood. American Journal of Psychology, 6, 107-138. doi:10.2307/1412023. [FULLTEXT]

Lectures on language and linguistic method in school delivered in the University of Cambridge Easter Term 1889

Laurie, S. S. (1890). Lectures on language and linguistic method in school delivered in the University of Cambridge Easter Term 1889. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [FULLTEXT]

Children’s language in the Omani dialect of Arabia

Sayce, A. K. (1889). Children’s language in the Omani dialect of Arabia. The Academy, 36(915), 324-325. [FULLTEXT]

The origin of language and the antiquity of speaking man

Hale, H. (1886). The origin of language and the antiquity of speaking man. Proceedings of the AAAS, 35, 1-47. [FULLTEXT]

Sign language among North American Indians compared with that among other peoples and deaf-mutes

Mallery, G. (1879). Sign language among North American Indians compared with that among other peoples and deaf-mutes. Hamburg: Tredition GmbH. [FULLTEXT]

An infant’s progress in language

Pollock, F. (1878). An infant’s progress in language. Mind, 3, 392-401. doi:10.1093/mind/os-3.11.392. [FULLTEXT]

Acquisition of language by children

Taine, H. (1877). Acquisition of language by children. Mind, 2, 252-259. doi:10.1093/mind/os-2.6.252. [FULLTEXT]

Darwinism tested by the Science of Language

Müller, M. (1870). Darwinism tested by the Science of Language. Nature, 1, 256-259. doi:10.1038/001256a0. [FULLTEXT]