Data Collection and Processing

We wish to make our websites as appealing and comfortable for you as possible. To this end, analysis of statistical information relating to your utilisation of our websites and the collection of technical details on the web browsers and computers of our online visitors is very helpful for us.


We employ the web analytics tool Matomo (formerly Piwik) for these purposes, which uses Cookies and JavaScript to collect information on your computer and automatically forwards it to us (pseudonymised user data).


Further information on which data is collected is available in our Data Collection Declaration.


Also, the integration of external services such as Google Maps for route maps or Youtube, is always undertaken in a considerate manner and with the aim of making your visit on our websites as pleasant as possible.


We must advise you, however, that your IP address and perhaps other data related to your person will be transmitted to the service provider concerned (Google etc.) and may be stored or analyzed there.


The data protection officer of the Max Planck Society is available for questions concerning the topic of data protection at datenschutz[at] or +49 89 21081554.


Personalized Services

Insofar as you have decided to take advantage of a personalized service, such as completing contact forms, the required personal data are stored. As a rule, this includes your e-mail address, first name and surname, as well as other data – depending on the type of offer. Your data are used only in order to provide you with the desired offer to your satisfaction and in order to respond to any inquiries. If you wish to see which data we store or wish to delete your personal data, you can send us an e-mail at privacy[at]


Data Transmission

Your personal data will only be transmitted to government organizations and authorities in legally required cases and/or for prosecution in the event of attacks on our network infrastructure. Your personal data are not provided to third parties for any other purpose.