Category Archives: Chapter 10 – Language acquisition: Wealth of data, dearth of theory
Some light on the problem of bilingualism as found from a study of the progress in mastery of English among children of Non-American ancestry in Hawaii
Smith, M. E. (1939). Some light on the problem of bilingualism as found from a study of the progress in mastery of English among children of Non-American ancestry in Hawaii. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 21, 121-284. [FULLTEXT]
Determining and numerating adjectives in children’s speech
Carroll, J. B. (1939). Determining and numerating adjectives in children’s speech. Child Development, 10(4), 215-229. doi:10.2307/1125527. [FULLTEXT]
La reconstruction typologique des langues archaïques de l’humanité
Van Ginneken, J. (1939). La reconstruction typologique des langues archaïques de l’humanité. Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij. [FULLTEXT]
Speech development of a bilingual child. Vol I: Vocabulary growth in the first two years
Leopold, W. (1939). Speech development of a bilingual child. Vol I: Vocabulary growth in the first two years. New York: AMS Press. [FULLTEXT]
The use of pronouns by young children: a note on the development of self-awareness
Goodenough, F. L. (1938). The use of pronouns by young children: a note on the development of self-awareness. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 52(2), 333-346. doi:10.1080/08856559.1938.10534320. [FULLTEXT]
Badania psychologiczne nad rozwojem mowy dziecka (od 1,0-2,3 lat) [Psychological study of child language development (from age 1,0 to 2,3)]
Wawrowska, W. (1938). Badania psychologiczne nad rozwojem mowy dziecka (od 1,0-2,3 lat) [Psychological study of child language development (from age 1,0 to 2,3)]. In S. Szuman (
A superior child who would not talk
Rigg, M. G. (1938). A superior child who would not talk. Child Development, 9, 361-362. doi:10.2307/1125562. [FULLTEXT]
The development of linguistic skills in twins, singletons with siblings, and only children from age five to ten years
Davis, E. A. (1937). The development of linguistic skills in twins, singletons with siblings, and only children from age five to ten years. Minnesota: Minnesota Institute of Child Welfare. (University of Minnesota Institute of Child Welfare Monograph Series; Number XIV.). [FULLTEXT]
An analytical study of language achievement in preschool children
Williams, H. M. (1937). An analytical study of language achievement in preschool children. Iowa Studies in Child Welfare, 13, 9-18. [FULLTEXT]
L’apprentissage du langage (Vol. 1)
Grégoire, A. (1937). L’apprentissage du langage (Vol. 1). Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan. [FULLTEXT]
Cognition and volition in language
Mulder, H. (1936). Cognition and volition in language. PhD Thesis, Wolters Uitgevers-Maatschappij, Groningen. [FULLTEXT]
Infant speech: A study of the beginnings of language
Lewis, M. M. (1936). Infant speech: A study of the beginnings of language. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. [FULLTEXT]
Sex and Personality: Studies in masculinity and femininity
Terman, L. M. (1936). Sex and Personality: Studies in masculinity and femininity. New Haven: Yale University Press. [FULLTEXT]
A study of the speech of eight bilingual children of the same family
Smith, M. E. (1935). A study of the speech of eight bilingual children of the same family. Child Development, 6, 19-25. doi:10.2307/1125553. [FULLTEXT]
L’enfant et le langage
Delacroix, H. (1934). L’enfant et le langage. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan. [FULLTEXT]
La biologie du langage
Van Ginneken, J. (1934). La biologie du langage. Compte rendu de la première session du Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, 320-322. [FULLTEXT]
The physiological basis of linguistic development and of the ontogeny of meaning
Latif, I. (1934). The physiological basis of linguistic development and of the ontogeny of meaning. Psychological Review, 41, 55-85, 153-176, 246-264. doi:10.1037/h0070470. [FULLTEXT] [FULLTEXT] [FULLTEXT]
Comment l’enfant arrive à parler
Decroly, O. (1934). Comment l’enfant arrive à parler. Brussels: Centrale de P.E.S. de Belgique. [FULLTEXT]
Psychologie du langage
Delacroix, H. (1933). Psychologie du langage. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan. [FULLTEXT]
Die ersten zwei Jahre der Sprachentwicklung des japanischen Kindes: Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der Kindersprache
Ohwaki, Y. (1933). Die ersten zwei Jahre der Sprachentwicklung des japanischen Kindes: Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der Kindersprache. Tohoku Psychologica Folia, 1, 71-110. [FULLTEXT]
The first two years: A study of twenty-five babies
Shirley, M. M. (1933). The first two years: A study of twenty-five babies. Westport: Greenwood Press. [FULLTEXT]
Das Lallwort in der Sprachschöpfung
Oehl, W. (1933). Das Lallwort in der Sprachschöpfung. Freiburg: St. Paulusdruckerei. [FULLTEXT]
The development of language in twins: I. A comparison of twins and single children
Day, E. J. (1932). The development of language in twins: I. A comparison of twins and single children. Child Development, 3(3), 179-199. [FULLTEXT]
De ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van systemen der menschelijke taalklanken
Van Ginneken, J. (1932). De ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van systemen der menschelijke taalklanken. Amsterdam: North-Holland Uitgevers-Maatschappij. [FULLTEXT]
An unusual opportunity to investigate the psychology of language
Bean, C. (1932). An unusual opportunity to investigate the psychology of language. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 40(1), 181-202. doi:10.1080/08856559.1932.10534213. [FULLTEXT]
The development of language in twins: II. The development of twins: their resemblances and differences
Day, E. J. (1932). The development of language in twins: II. The development of twins: their resemblances and differences. Child Development, 3(4), 298-316. [FULLTEXT]
L’acquisition du langage et ses retards
Feyeux, J.-A. (1932). L’acquisition du langage et ses retards. Paris: Éditions Médicales N. Maloine.
An experimental study of the development of concepts of relationship in pre-school children as evidenced by their expressive ability
Grigsby, O. J. (1932). An experimental study of the development of concepts of relationship in pre-school children as evidenced by their expressive ability. Journal of Experimental Education, 1(2), 144-162. [FULLTEXT]
Phonetische Gestaltbildung bei jungen Kindern
Röttger, F. (1931). Phonetische Gestaltbildung bei jungen Kindern. München: Beck. [FULLTEXT]
Erinnerung, Aussage und Lüge in der frühen Kindheit
Stern, C., & Stern, W. (1931). Erinnerung, Aussage und Lüge in der frühen Kindheit. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth. [FULLTEXT]
Language development
McCarthy, D. (1931). Language development. In C. Murchinson (
Animal drive
Holt, E. (1931). Animal drive. New York: Holt. [FULLTEXT]
Speech sounds by young children
Wellman, B. L., Case, I. M., Mengert, I. G., & Bradbury, D. E. (1931). Speech sounds by young children. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. [FULLTEXT]
Language and growth: The relative efficacy of early and deferred vocabulary training, studied by the method of co-twin control
Strayer, L. C. (1930). Language and growth: The relative efficacy of early and deferred vocabulary training, studied by the method of co-twin control. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 8, 209-319. [FULLTEXT]
The first year of life
Bühler, C. (1930). The first year of life. New York: John Day. [FULLTEXT]
The function and fate of egocentric speech
Vygotsky, L. S., & Luria, A. (1929). The function and fate of egocentric speech. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Psychology, 464-465. [FULLTEXT]
The vocalizations of infants
McCarthy, D. (1929). The vocalizations of infants. Psychological Bulletin, 26, 625-651. doi:10.1037/h0072848. [FULLTEXT]
Extent of personal vocabularies and cultural control
Gillette, J. M. (1929). Extent of personal vocabularies and cultural control. Scientific Monthly, 29(5), 451-457. [FULLTEXT]
Das erste Verständnis für Ausdruck im ersten Lebensjahr
Bühler, C., & Hetzer, H. (1928). Das erste Verständnis für Ausdruck im ersten Lebensjahr. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 107, 50-61. [FULLTEXT]
Gespräche mit Kindern: Untersuchungen zur Sozialpsychologie und Pädagogik
Katz, D., & Katz, R. (1928). Gespräche mit Kindern: Untersuchungen zur Sozialpsychologie und Pädagogik. Berlin: Julius Springer. [FULLTEXT]
Le développement de langage chez l’enfant
Guillaume, P. (1927). Le développement de langage chez l’enfant. Journal de Psychologie, 24, 203-229. [FULLTEXT]
Les débuts de la phrase dans le langage de l’enfant
Guillaume, P. (1927). Les débuts de la phrase dans le langage de l’enfant. Journal de Psychologie, 24, 3-25. [FULLTEXT]
The phonology of an English-speaking child
Holmes, U. (1927). The phonology of an English-speaking child. American Speech, 2, 219-225. [FULLTEXT]
Group intelligence tests and linguistic disability among Italian children
Mead, M. (1927). Group intelligence tests and linguistic disability among Italian children. School and Society, 25, 465-468. [FULLTEXT]
Les premiers mots de l’enfant et l’apparation des espèces de mots dans son langage
Kenyeres, E. (1927). Les premiers mots de l’enfant et l’apparation des espèces de mots dans son langage. Archives de Psychologie, 20, 191-218. [FULLTEXT]
Der sprachliche Ausdruck des Schulkindes: Statistische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungspsychologie der Sprache
Deußing, H. (1927). Der sprachliche Ausdruck des Schulkindes: Statistische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungspsychologie der Sprache. Langensalza: Jenaer Beiträge zur Jugend- und Erziehungspsychologie. [FULLTEXT]
An investigation of the development of the sentence and the extent of vocabulary in young children
Smith, M. E. (1926). An investigation of the development of the sentence and the extent of vocabulary in young children. PhD Thesis, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. [FULLTEXT]
A gyermek elso˝szavai és a szófajok fo˝llépesé
Kenyeres, E. (1926). A gyermek elso˝szavai és a szófajok fo˝llépesé. Budapest: Kisdednevelés Kiadása. [FULLTEXT]
Physical growth of two generations of one family.
Baldwin, B. T., & Smith, M. E. (1925). Physical growth of two generations of one family. Journal of Heredity, 16, 243-258. [FULLTEXT]
Length of sentences as a criterion of a child’s progress in speech
Nice, M. M. (1925). Length of sentences as a criterion of a child’s progress in speech. Journal of Educational Psychology, 16, 370-379. doi:10.1037/h0073259. [FULLTEXT]