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Category Archives: Chapter 1 – 1951

Charles Egerton Osgood: 1916-1991

Brewer, W. F. (1994). Charles Egerton Osgood: 1916-1991. The American Journal of Psychology, 107(4), 582-596. [FULLTEXT]

The making of cognitive science. Essays in honor of George A. Miller

Hirst, W. (1988). The making of cognitive science. Essays in honor of George A. Miller. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [FULLTEXT]

A survey of psycholinguistic research: 1954–1964

Diebold, A. R. (1965). A survey of psycholinguistic research: 1954–1964. In C. E. Osgood, & T. A. Sebeok (Eds.), Psycholinguistics: A survey of theory and research problems (pp. 205-275). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [FULLTEXT]

The structure of a semantic theory

Katz, J. J., & Fodor, J. A. (1963). The structure of a semantic theory. Language, 39, 170-210. doi:10.2307/411200. [FULLTEXT]

Psycholinguistics: A book of readings

Saporta, S. (Ed.). (1961). Psycholinguistics: A book of readings. New York: Holt, Reinehart and Winston. [FULLTEXT]


Miller, G. A. (1954). Psycholinguistics. In G. Lindzey (Ed.), Handbook of Social Psychology. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley. [FULLTEXT]

Experimental psychology

Woodworth, R. S., & Schlosberg, H. (1954). Experimental psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [FULLTEXT]

The study of language: A survey of linguistics and related disciplines in America

Carroll, J. B. (1953). The study of language: A survey of linguistics and related disciplines in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [FULLTEXT]

The problem of serial order in behavior

Lashley, K. S. (1951). The problem of serial order in behavior. In L. Jeffress (Ed.), Cerebral mechanisms in behavior (pp. 112-136). [FULLTEXT]

The Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar on Linguistics and Psychology

Carroll, J. B. (1951). The Interdisciplinary Summer Seminar on Linguistics and Psychology. Social Science Research Council Items, 5, 40-41. [FULLTEXT]

Statistical behavioristics and sequences of responses

Miller, G. A., & Frick, F. C. (1949). Statistical behavioristics and sequences of responses. Psychological Review, 56, 311-324. doi:10.1037/h0060413. [FULLTEXT]

Language and psycholinguistics: A review

Pronko, N. H. (1946). Language and psycholinguistics: A review. Psychological Bulletin, 43, 189-239. doi:10.1037/h0056729. [FULLTEXT]

Movement and mental imagery: Outlines of a motor theory of the complexer mental processes

Washburn, M. F. (1916). Movement and mental imagery: Outlines of a motor theory of the complexer mental processes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [FULLTEXT]

Mental association investigated by experiment

Cattell, J. M., & Bryant, S. (1889). Mental association investigated by experiment. Mind, 14(54), 230-250. [FULLTEXT]

Die zeitliche Verhältnisse der Willenstätigkeit

Merkel, J. (1885). Die zeitliche Verhältnisse der Willenstätigkeit. Philosophische Studien, 2, 73-127. [FULLTEXT]

Psychometric experiments

Galton, F. (1879). Psychometric experiments. Brain, 2(2), 149-162. doi:10.1093/brain/2.2.149. [FULLTEXT]

Essai de psychologie: La bête et l’homme

Fournié, É. (1877). Essai de psychologie: La bête et l’homme. Paris: Didier. [FULLTEXT]

Émile ou de l’éducation

Rousseau, J.-J. (1762). Émile ou de l’éducation. The Hague: Jean Néaulme. [FULLTEXT]